Denver, known for its Old West, outdoor activities and … chakras? You’d certainly think so by the crowd that had amassed indoors at the Metaphysical Fair on this sunny afternoon.
I had convinced my husband, Chad, to join me at the bi-annual fair, held in the spring and fall at the Denver Merchandise Mart.

We had gone once before, but remained observers then. This time I went with a purpose. I had cash in hand and wanted a photo of my aura taken. My husband just smiled and shook his head when I told him, but let me lead him to where the specialty cameras were.
After standing in line for about 10 minutes, we got our chance to sit before the lens, smile goofy smiles and allow our auras to be photographed in all their glories. These specialized cameras supposedly photograph the energy fields surrounding our bodies, with different colors giving indications of our overall being. We were given our Polaroids and sat in eager anticipation for analysis.
A few minutes later we were summoned to the table of a smiling woman with waist-length white, silver and black streaked hair who studied our images. She didn’t tell us so much about our futures, but rather about who we are now, how we perceive ourselves and the way others perceive us.
Chad’s was a muddle of yellows, oranges and reds, letting her know immediately about his “big personality,” his warmth and compassion and his keen ability to leave his mark on others. Mine, primarily offering purple, green, blue and white hues, seemed to let her know that I had been quite ill recently and in “temporary self-imposed isolationism.” True enough, this was my first outing in a week and I was still feeling a little under par.

While I hadn’t exactly gussied up for this event, I like to think she got that from my aura and not my still-sort-of-pale-and-puffy physical appearance. She also told me I was on the verge of a psychic breakthrough. Huh. I decided that’s the morsel I liked the best and wondered whether this breakthrough would finally allow me to track my keys, phone, sunglasses and Chap Stick, and all the other little objects that regularly elude me.
We wandered around a few cubicles, checking out Native American art, reading charts to find our kindred animal spirits, and watching demonstrations on tai chi and other spiritual martial arts. After watching presentations on detoxification and cleansing, we went to the cafeteria for some hot dogs and sodas.
We felt a twinge of guilt as we ordered nachos, then felt a little more of that twinge when we went back for extra cheese. So we also added extra jalapeños, which everyone knows is just like having a serving of vegetables and, I’m pretty sure, technically neutralizes the non-nutritional value of the rest of the lunch. Detoxification, we’re on our way!
While nourishing ourselves, we listened to the live performance on a make-shift stage set up in the corner. We were thrilled to find it was the group Twinflames, a duo we’d heard on our first trip to the fair and who are self-described as Celtic Spiritual musicians. We had actually bought two of their CDs the year before, so when the set was over we walked up like the groupies we now felt we were, and shook hands, raving about their sound.

I pulled out my last $15 and handed it over as the woman seated me next to an imaging machine connected to a laptop. I placed my hand in the center of the contraption and waited a few minutes while I was “read.”
The imagery showed on the laptop and a 5-page analysis was printed out, complete with the picture, summarizing my chakras. I was surprised to find it outlined many of the same things my aura analysis had suggested.
Perhaps it was my psychic self that knew my husband wouldn’t be able to resist. I watched him sigh, hand over some bills and sit at one of the nearby machines. When it was finished, he glanced at his sheet, noticed a few of the many highly favorable descriptions and knowingly nodded. Yes, he agreed, maybe there is something to this after all.
If You Go
The Celebration Metaphysical Fair will be at the Denver Merchandise Mart March 12-14, and at the Colorado Springs City Auditorium April 16-18.
For more information, go to
Sheri L. Thompson, photo editor of, is also a freelance writer/photographer. She lives in Denver. She is a fine arts graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia and a journalism graduate of Metropolitan State College of Denver.
From the Editors: We spent a heap of time making sure this story was accurate when it was published, but of course, things can change. Please confirm the details before setting out in our great Centennial State.